Yosemite view

Corporate Social Responsibility

As a major player at the heart of technology, Mersen is a committed partner to the companies that drive the industry forward and shape a more sustainable society.

Aware that its social and environmental impact must be constantly measured, evaluated and analyzed in order to be better managed, the Group has established a cross-segment CSR policy for all its employees and adapted to all levels of the organization.

Luc Themelin, Mersen Chief Executive Officer

Social and societal responsibility is an integral part of Mersen’s culture. The Group pursue an ambitious and structured policy and make sustainable development a key part of its strategy. We see CSR not only as one of the company’s responsibilities toward its stakeholders, but also as a source of performance.

Luc Themelin
Chief Executive Officer

2022-2025 CSR roadmap

The Group has plotted out a new roadmap defining its CSR priorities for the 2022-2025 period. It is based on an analysis of the main non-financial risks and opportunities using a materiality matrix.

Our 4 Commitments









Responsible partner

More than 56% of Mersen’s sales are linked to sustainable development markets.

The Group proposes innovative, effective, competitive and efficient solutions, which all contribute in some way to the fight against global warming.

Mersen operates in a range of cutting-edge sectors, including renewable energies, energy efficiency and clean transportation, and invests in research into new solutions for the green industry and markets.

Its solutions contribute to new progress in photovoltaic solar energy and the manufacture of wind turbine generators. It also works with hydroelectric generator manufacturers, and helps to improve the performance and reliability of the equipment and infrastructure used in new forms of urban mass transit and electric vehicles.

Limiting our environmental impact

Supported by a dedicated organization, the objective of our environmental policy is to reduce the environmental impact of our products and industrial operations. It is based on the commitment of the Executive Committee and shared with all employees.

Reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

The use of natural gas and electricity in our production processes, in particular the graphite and felt manufacturing processes are the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions (scopes 1&2).

Early in 2021, the Group undertook to reduce the intensity of its greenhouse gas emissions by 20% between 2018 and 2025 by working on : 

  • Reductions in energy consumption
  • Use of renewable or less GHG-intensive energy sources
  • Offsetting of emissions

Waste recycling

In order to reduce the environmental impact of its industrial sites, waste management has become an important environmental issue for the Group. Priority has been given to increasing waste recycling.

Reduction of water consumption

Water is an essential resource for the planet. Mersen uses water primarily to cool equipment used in heating processes, ensuring water quality before disposal. Discharges are subject to rigorous controls to avoid any risk of pollution.

Mersen contributes to the sustainable management of water resources by setting a target to reduce its consumption.

Human Capital

At Mersen, our corporate culture is above all a shared vision and a set of shared values that are the result of decades of ethical and responsible development and that shape everything we do. It is what defines us as a human company in the service of technological progress.

Collaboration based on diversity

We firmly believe that promoting diversity will have a profound and positive impact on our organizations and business. Diversity is a key asset for Mersen, driving collaboration between teams and sparking creativity so that we can better understand the needs of our customers around the world. To preserve this diversity, our company culture seeks to inspire mutual respect and the appreciation of every individual, whatever their origin, and to combat all forms of discrimination.

A learning organization

Mersen operates in complex, high-tech sectors and owes much of its success to the expertise of its teams and skills of its employees.

The continuous skills development is at the heart of the human resources policy, as the Group seeks to retain its talents and attract new ones.The Group encourage exchanges between its various segments and geographic areas by prioritizing mobility and the international diversity of managers.

Promote Well-being, Health and Safety at work

Protecting the health and safety of its employees is Mersen’s number one priority.

Our health and safety strategy is built on engagement, assessments, rules, training and analysis. Prevention and health and safety performance measurement are gradually changing the workplace for the better.

Key figures 2023



of sales linked to
sustainable development



waste recycling rate



women engineers and managers



Severity Injury Rate

Mersen, Committed to sustainability

Ethics and Compliance Culture

Mersen’s development is driven by shared and mutual trust in all its stakeholders, be they employees, customers, suppliers, banks or shareholders.

The Code of Ethics restates our commitment as a group and as individuals to instilling and building on this confidence.

Any employee, person or third party can easily access one of the Group's whistleblowing systems to report any suspected violation of the Code of Ethics or Group rules. Reports can be made confidentially via the website
Reports received via the dedicated online form are processed centrally by the Ethics Committee, providing increased security for the whistleblower and a procedure that ensures the protection of personal data.

Internal staff can also use the email address ethics@mersen.com.

balance - Mersen code of ethics cover
Code of Ethics
Whistleblowing System Procedure

Commitment and Ratings

UN Global Compact 

Mersen is a signatory of the UN Global Compact since 2009, whose 10 founding principles cover human rights, international labor standards, the environment and corruption.


UN Global Compact logo

Mersen has been awarded the gold medal by Ecovadis

This award positions Mersen among the TOP 5% of companies evaluated in its category with the best CSR performance.

This certification is backed by a comprehensive set of criteria assessing the Group's actions and policies in terms of the environment, working conditions, ethics, commercial practices and responsible purchasing.


ecovadis gold 2023

MSCI ESG Ratings

In 2021, Mersen received a rating of A (on a scale of AAA-CCC) in the MSCI ESG Ratings assessment.



MSCI ESG Ratings